Please extend my sincere thanks to the parishioners of St. Mary-Stony Hill Parish for their generous response to the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal. I know that the pastor’s endorsement and enthusiastic promotion of the Appeal are key in reaching the parish goal, so thanks to you, too.
As of June 25, 2024, your parish achieved 116.93% of its $400,000 goal with $467,715 in pledges and $465,913 in payments. I am pleased to enclose a $32,957 rebate check to be used for local needs at your discretion. This check represents 50% of the amount collected over goal. Through your hard work, and that of pastors, parish teams and generous parishioners across the diocese, we have surpassed our $7.2 million goal with over $7.9 million in pledges to date making this year’s BAA a great success and enabling us to advance our mission. The wonderful response to the 2024 Bishop’s Annual Appeal is a reflection of our people’s commitment as a diocesan family to our Church of Metuchen and its ministries.
God bless you and be assured you have my heartfelt gratitude and prayers.
With renewed best wishes, I remain
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen.