” The Office of Ongoing Faith Formation will be offering two Adult Enrichment Courses entitled “Eschatology Part I: Vision of Hope” and “Eschatology Part II: The Book of Revelation” at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center (Piscataway). Classes are presented by Fr. Glenn Comandini, S.T.D. Part I: Thursdays, starting February 6th through March 13th from 10:30-11:30 am. It will explore major themes of eschatology such as the Second Coming, final judgement, and Heaven & hell. The registration fee is $20 for Part I. Part II: Thursdays from March 20th through May 29 (no class April 17 for Holy Thursday). The course will be continuation of Part I and will examine the Book of Revelation using Catholic exegesis to study apocalyptic imagery such as The Seven Seals, The Woman Clothed with the Sun, and The Heavenly Rider. The registration fee is $20 for Part II. The New American Bible will be used in class and can be included in registration for an addition $10, if needed. Register online at www.diometuchen.org/faithformation (two separate registration links). For more info, email [email protected] or call 732-562-1543.