2022-23 Religious Education Program Information and Registration
Registration for next year’s Religious Education Program is underway! Our Religious Education Classes will begin the week of September 18th. If you are enrolled in our Religious Education program this year, you should have received our re-registration email containing everything you need to re-register your child (ren) for next year’s program. If you have any questions about the program or did not receive a re-registration email, please contact: Cathy Cooney (grades K– 6) 908-756-6524 x 16; [email protected] Karen Dill (grades 7-8) 908-756-6524 x 11; [email protected]
Classes will be held on Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays as follows*: Sundays | Grades 1-6 | 10-11 am Mondays | Grades 5-6 & 7-8 | 5-6 pm Mondays | Grades 7-8 | 7-8 pm Wednesdays | Grades K-5 | 4-5 pm
*Select the session that works for your family and attend that class each week for the school year.