The Ministry of Hospitality (usher) is the oldest lay ministry in the Catholic Church. The ushers of today have descended from a long line of people of God who has gone before them. During the time of Christ, the doorkeepers of the temple numbered in the hundreds and were the forerunners of today's ushers.
While today's ushers don’t ring the bells or open the church, their primary duties and responsibilities include greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, helping them to find seats, taking up the collection and wishing everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic celebration along with handing out the bulletins.
If you are interested in this ministry, please contact Deacon Peter.
Thomas Opalewski (captain)
Dan Germaine (captain)
Peter Desnoyers
Ken Meany
Lee Opalewski
Bob Eisele (captain)
Dick Wellbrock (captain)
Alfred Nielsen
Chuck Recenello
Peter Szurick (captain)
Mike Christian
Richard Gacynski
Wayne Hanlon (captain)
Tony Pangi (captain)
Dick Blundin (captain)
Al Germaine
Robert Senyk