INVITATION TO ALL THE FOLLOWING (BELOW), & SPOUSES, FAMILY & FRIENDS: The unbaptized i.e., those looking to follow Jesus in the Catholic Church, and receive instruction leading to reception of Baptism, First Eucharist & Confirmation at the Easter Vigil of 2025. Non-Catholic, Christians i.e., those of other Christian denominations wishing to become Catholic & receive full-communion with the Catholic Church. Note: already baptized in water and in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. Un-Catechized Catholics i.e., those who have never received their First Holy Communion. Adult Catholics, un-Confirmed i.e., those who never received the Sacrament of Confirmation. Members of St. Mary’s OCIA Team will be present to answer any questions you have about the Catholic Faith. NOTE: OCIA Classes for those in the above categories are scheduled to start on Sunday, September 22nd after the 9 am Mass; in the Parish Center.