The global pandemic has challenged us to evolve in how we share and communicate the Gospel message, but the message remains the same and it is worth sharing. So, we must continue to journey with others, even if we are physically apart, to make the Good News and His love known to all because that is what will see us through. While our discipleship is to always find new ways to bring His love and the Good News of Jesus Christ we are now called to do more for the Lord and each other. This year, we have seen a large increase in the use of virtual means to connect and engage with one another. Your gift to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal supports essential role of the Vicariate for Evangelization and Communication as we expand our efforts to share the Gospel message and make His love known to all. More information about the Appeal may be found on our parish website, or the diocese website at: Bishop's Annual Appeal Our Appeal goal this year is the same as last year, $312,000. Thank you for your support!